Title: Major EH de Freville | Credit: unknown

Major Edward Henry de Freville


Major Edward Henry Green de Freville inherited the estate from his Godfather and second cousin Edward Humphrys Green de Freville upon his death in 1868. However, he continued to live in Shelford and did not move into the Hall until Mrs. de Freville’s death in 1885. His tenure lasted until 1900 and he was the last de Freville to live at the Hall.

Not only was the Hall well known for its fishing stock, but also for its ‘game bag.’ An advertisement for the sale of the property in The Times in 1906 boasts “some of the finest partridge ground in England; the game bag for 1905-6 was 1624 partridges, 90 pheasants, 470 hares, 500 rabbits.”